Kim, Minji
I am a 3rd grade Software Engineering student, Soongsil University
I am interested in Sever Development, LLMs, Video understanding, Generative models.
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Bachelor in Software Engineering, Soongsil Univ. (2022 - present)
Ssock (2024.03 - present)
Slack Bot for Department Job Notifications
개발 과정
Python, FastAPI, Svelte
It sends notifications when new job, internship, or software event posts are published on computer/software department websites.
LocaveL (2024.07 - 2024.08)
Travel Recommendation Service
Java, Spring, MySQL, AWS
Designed and implemented a map system API using Naver Maps API, focusing on providing location.
SSU:cout (2024.04 - 2024.07)
Club Recommendation and Review Service
Java, Spring, MySQL, AWS
Developed APIs for club information and user reviews.